Sunday, June 28, 2009


I hate goodbyes... and I'm not even out of the country.

Friday, June 26, 2009

A little update...

I have been in California since Monday... just relaxing and recouping before headed off to China on Tuesday.  It's been fun days of sleeping in, hanging out, eating lots of stuff that I know I won't be enjoying for many months, and being with lots of my amazing friends.

I just found out that blogger is once again no working in China... so stay tuned for where updates will be posted.  I am thinking about getting a wordpress blog since that is still in operation.   

On the notes of prayer requests... we are continuing to find out more details about the China's swine flu concerns and quarantining in the country.  When we fly into the Beijing airport, people come onto the plane and take everyones temp, we have to go thro several heat sensors, and fill out paper work stating we have not been in Mexico in the past 14 days.  Pray that we all make it thro the airport with no problems... since the thought of being quarantined in a chinese hospital for a week is not too appealing! 

Miss all of you peoples on the homefront... bigs hugs!!


Friday, June 19, 2009

China Update Email:

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Hey Friends!

I can't believe that in 3 days the first leg of my journey begins as I board a plane in Des Moines. It's been a crazy, stretching last several weeks! I never knew that it could be so much work to coordinate over 75 volunteers, plus get myself ready for 6 months away. :) It has definately been a pleasure planning for the camps this summer and I look forward to being in China again.

I will be leaving for California on Monday to spend a week with friends there before leaving on the 30th for CHINA!! I am flying into Beijing with a group of other staffers. When I first arrive in China, we will be having a Staff Summit in Xin Zheng, the city where I was at camp last year. From there, I will be headed to Kunming where I will be helping to run the summer camps. In several sentences, that is the summary of my next six weeks. I can't wait to see all the stories that will fill in the blanks in between. All the kids I will meet. The stories I will hear. The hugs and high-fives that will be given. I also look forward to the lessons God will teach me. The ways He will stretch me. I pray that He will continue to burn up the dross in my heart and make me more like Him. May each day bring glory to His beautiful Name!

Right now, God has provided enough money for me to fly to China and remain there for the summer. I still have $2300 to raise for my stay at the ranch, plus about $1000 to attend Chinese classes while I am there. God is teaching me to hold my plans with an open hand. At this point, I plan to stay in China until the money runs out. If that means not being a part of the ranch or going without language school, I am willing to do that. Pray that I will wait on God while I am serving there this summer and that if God really wants me to be a part of the ranch, that He will provide the funds before then.

For those of you who have supported my trip already, thanks so much. You are helping to make so many smiles this summer possible. Pray with me, that God will provide the rest of the funds,as He sees fit and that I will rest in that.

I love all of you guys and want you to know that "I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy" (Phil 1:3,4)
- Nicole

New Beginnings....

I have been pondering a lot lately about new beginnings... I find over and over again that I am desperately in need of God's new mercy and grace each day.  I fall short so often.  I fail my family.  My friends.  My job.  My God.  I praise Him that the promise He made never fails: 
The Lord's loving kind
nesses indeed never cease,
      For His compassions never fail. 
   They are new every morning
  Great is Your faithfulness.
Lam 3:22, 23
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Each day finds me seeking God a fresh.  I am so thankful for the new beginnings He gives us! 

Along these lines, this blog will soon be getting a new beginning too... stay close for the great unveiling!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

My beautiful sisters...

Oh how I'm gonna miss these girls!!

The Journey of the Purse

I bought this awesome over the shoulder purse in China last year that I have literally worn out in the last 12 months.  I realized that it's been all over the country with me.  Here is the some of the purse's journey:

The zipper has ripped, it's filthy dirty... but I'm determined to make it last until I get to China in 2 weeks and buy a new one!!  Stay tuned for the new and updated look!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Where's Nicole?!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

It's killing me that I've been gone for so long. You have no idea how much it pains exceedingly!

Some unidentified persons actually cracked my computer screen a little over a week ago. I immediately shipped it on 3625 mile journey to Dr Jason who fixed it brand new.

Of course while it was being fixed, I had to manage my computer activities on library computers which really kills me when I'm used to my own 'baby-Mac' while lounging in a coffee shop.

Praise to Jesus, the precious package arrived home in the nick of time before I headed of on my last tour of duty for Bring Me Hope.

As I type, I'm sitting on the edge of some mountains in North Carolina. It's amazing. It's beautiful. And today, amazingly enough I was in 4 states in less than 12 hours.

It's a crazy, wonderful life!

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