Tuesday, January 25, 2011

He said {will you} I said {yes}

On January 5, I was standing in a shack, beach restaurant, waiting for my amazing man. He walked around the corner and my heart stood still as he came towards me with happy, nervous smiles. With his arm around my waist, he lead me outside and we started walking down the beach.

My heart was pounding.

{T O D A Y was the day!}


We came to a trail of sparkly, blue stones and one corked bottle sticking out of the sand. Inside was cream paper with gold trim. The scrawling writing said all kinds of sweet things and ended with
"maybe it's bribery, but this is my attempt to keep you around..."


As we followed the trail of two more corked bottles. One had a list of things he loves about me and one had a list of his favorite memories with me. I laughed along the way and told Adam "I really think I want to get to the end of the line!"


{Random note: Who the heck calls you when you are being proposed to?! Seriously. And no. I didn't answer it.} ;)


When we came around the corner, there was a table with roses and candles and a picnic basket. And one more corked bottle. Inside was a poem. It said he was a lovesick boy. And the only cure was an answer to one question...

He got down in the sand on one knee and a gorgeous, sparkly ring came out of his pocket.

{And how could I say anything but Y.E.S.}


{Follow this with lots of laughter, jumping, hugging, and stares at my brand new glam. Notice the motion of hair. Did I say LOTS of jumping and laughing?! Yes.}




I love this amazing man so much. I feel humbled that he wants to be my husband. I am unbelievably blessed by God. Adam is the best gift He has ever given me.

We are so excited to get married. June 4 seems so far away. But in the next 126 days, we are going to rock the world by thoroughly enjoying being engaged... until we can rock the world as the amazing Mr and Mrs Neesby.

{B O O S H}

- - -

Speaking of rocks, check this little beauty out. Didn't my man do amazingly?! He picked this out on his own. Wow. Have I mentioned that I love him?!



Debbie said...

So awesome! He's so handsome too. :-) We are so happy for you both. Thanks for sharing your special moment.

Veronika Novotny said...

Beautiful pictures and what a sweet, sweet proposal story. I of course adore your ring (I am a diamond fanatic) much to my husbands dismay. Congrats on your engagement you are both glowing. And on a side note you have GORGEOUS hair. xx veronika

Christopher and Marcille said...

Nicole I saw you blogged on FB and read the proposal story, so sweet! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you :) I'm also a blog follower now! Have fun planning the wedding!!!

Anonymous said...

two questions:
who called you??? and picked the ring out...ALL by his lonesome???

Rebecca said...

Sweeeeeeet! Congrats, Nicole!!!

Keisha Suzanne said...

HOLY COW!!!! I am way late on this but better late than never;)
CONGRATS my friend. I await the day I meet you and this "amazingly" wonderful man someday face to face.

Lydia said...

AWWW Nic im so so excited for you!!! being engaged is really awesome!!.... (the three weeks i've been married have been even better ;)
congrats!! hope wedding planning goes great!

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