Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Other Cutest Kids...

Just couldn't let this pass without directing your attention to another post on my employers blog, of their kids... 'my' Jackson and Alana. There are about a dozen pics of them and they are so adorable you'll wanna reach thro' the screen and just squeeze 'em! Thankfully I get to do that everyday!
Along these lines, when I was leaving work today, Jackson almost started crying while asking about a half dozen times, "Why do you have to leave?" It was so cute! When my attempts at explaining that I miss my family and need to go see them didn't seem to be making a point, I finally said "Ask your mom." *smile*

*Note: You will need to scroll down the blog about three posts to find the one titled 'Our Kids, Finally'


Tuesday, February 26, 2008


:: My Knight in Icing Armor ::

Friday, February 22, 2008


Despite the fact that my friends in California are basking in sunshine and playing on the beach, I am loving all this cold! I guess I'm a true Iowa girl, I love snow. Now don't get me wrong, I love the sunshine and warmth too. I love the first traces of spring. Barefoot days. Budding trees. I love swimming in our big pool out back. Popsicles on blistering days. I love the colors of the fall. Unpacking all those cute sweaters and jackets. Shorter days. Warm bonfires on chilly nights. And yes, I love winter. No, it's not because my birthday's in December or Christmas too. I love the beautiful snow. Hot chocolate. I mean, what's not to love about driving through sifting snow on a country road that's completely covered. You can take up as much of the road as you want, cuz no one else is there! You weave back and forth, relishing the thought that you feel in the middle of nowhere, but your house is just a mile away. There's the cold that burns your eyes, makes your nose hairs stand on fridged end and all the ooing and awwing over record low temps. And always the evil crunching sound of your boots on the frozen snow.
So for all my friends who don't know what experiencing four distinct seasons is like, this is for you!
It's another day in the life of an Iowan!!
Chris and Tim shoveling me out of the road. (Yes, the road!)

Doesn't our house look like a scene from "The Long Winter"??
* * *
It's a great day to be an Iowan...
and a great to be an American!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Another Down...

Those of you who remember the little cell phone incident Tiff and I had a couple months ago, will appreciate this. I guess this problem runs in the family... at least we come by it honestly! *wink*

:: In case you were wondering, we couldn't salvage this one, tho' he actually could use it if he had it on speaker phone. He had to do that until his replacement came in the mail. And yes, he is very resourceful and ingenuitive and amazing. What can you say? He was a boy scout. And he's my dad!! ::

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Introducing the Rest of My 'Family'

I have been really blessed the past seven months to work for some amazing people; nannying their kids. I have talked about them occasionally, but thought I should formally introduce them so you know who I hang out with everyday!
So here they are!!
* * *
I am at the Gehmans Tuesday thro' Friday. I can't say for sure, but I attempt the keep their domestic life in order. (I guess they would be the best judge of that!) I love these kids so much... they almost feel like my own.
We do everything together... eating, cleaning, reading, library trips, scouting around the local children's museum, making cookies, and everything else.

Jackson - 3

Alana - 2 on Friday

This is the very beautiful and talented, Jodi. My boss. *smile* I really appreciate her spirit of flexibility and happiness. She's one of four reasons I love my job!
* * *
Mondays, I spend the day at the Millers. This is really fun because I have been babysitting for Dawsyn and Grady for about a year. It's been fun watching them grow since then and also the cutest addition to their family, Sophie.

Dawsyn - 3
Grady - 2

Sophie - 7 months
(Sandwiched between Dawsyn and I with their cousin, Aravis on the right.)

Mandi is such an amazing, adorable dear and has become a great friend. We have had many days to connect hearts. I have been so blessed with her gift of encouragement. Amazingly, we have had some of the same struggles and her advice and encouragement is uplifting! Love ya, dear!
* * *
What a blessing it has been to work for people of like belief. It's amazing what a difference it makes. Thanks to all you guys for opening your hearts and homes to me. I have made so many great memories and I love you and your kids so much!
I look forward to many more good times to come!

Monday, February 18, 2008

The Cutest..., well at least some of them, are at the greatest photographer's site! I can't believe that I take care of those little heart-robbers! *smile*

So click here to see what the rave is all about. Oh and please leave a comment and tell Rodney and Jodi that Nicole sent you!

PS. In case you don't know, I work for those amazing photographers!

Friday, February 15, 2008


Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn from you, love you, savor you, bless you before you depart. Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow. Let me hold you while I may for it will not always be so. One day I shall dig my nails into the earth, or bury my face in the pillow, or stretch myself taut, or raise my hands to the sky and want, more than all the world, your return.
- Mary Jean Irion -

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Many Faces of the Bower Brothers!

:: How would you act out 'skunk'? ::

:: Snow is just as cold as it's talked up to be!! ::

:: Aubrey, this is the last picture I'll smile for, don't you think 20 is enough?! ::

:: Do you always use cameras this often?! ::

:: I said only 20, Aubrey! ::
* * *
With Nate's stories keeping us laughing our heads off all week, Sam and Peter filled in with their great facial expresions! They were all such hoots!!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Check it out!!

Hey all! I actually have a good reason for being gone for so long!! If you want to whole story... or at least the start to it, go check out my family's blog!

There's lots more coming here soon!

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