Thursday, May 29, 2008

Goin' to the Museum

Two of the cutest kids ever and our day together at the Children's Museum

Checking out groceries
Yummy fruits
Real apple juice at lunch!
Real pizza for lunch
Feeding Peter, The Turtle
... and the fish!
Shopping at the grocery store
The little cabin on the farmstead
Thomas and Friends are every little boys best friends!

* * * 

PS. In case you didn't notice the improved photo quality... you might like to know that I have a new love, my brand-new Canon Rebel XTI!!!

Jackson... Alana..

Ok.  So I've started a tradition that I send you to my employer's blog when they post about the kids.  They had a really fun Memorial Day and have pictures up to show.

So...please indulge me once again, and click here to see some of the cutest kids ever! 

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I couldn't resist...

I know we are suppose to be humble... but when I see what gorgeous brothers and sisters I have, I can't help but feel my chest swell a little with pride and know that I just have to share these pictures with everyone!  

I love you Tiffany, Christopher, Timothy, Grace, Beth and Aubrey!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I know that you are probably tired of all my 'link posts'... but I just was compelled to do one more for the day! *smile*  So bear with me...

You all really, really, really need to go over the Rodney and Jodi's blog to check out this 
that was just made today to all you reading public.  I am sooo excited about this and thought you might like to know also!  Please check it out and please, please leave them a comment to tell them what you think about it... it just may make them decide to give me a raise because I sent so many people to their blog to comment! *smile*

I can't wait!!!

A Twisted Reward...

A friend forwarded me this link about China's One Child Policy... please read it so you can be more aware of what really happens in that country.  Also, please keep praying for all the precious kids that are affect by this and many other laws like it!  

A Higher Purpose

We have to form habits to express what God's grace has done in us.  It is not a question of being saved from hell, but of being saved in order to manifest the life of the Son of God in our mortal flesh, and it is the the disagreeable things which make us exhibit whether or not we are manifesting His life.

~ Oswald Chambers

Friday, May 16, 2008

THE Night Walk!!!

"If you can't hold children in your arms, at least hold them in your hearts!"
- Mother Theresa
* * *
We walked tonight - as I mentioned before - after an awesome conference call with people from four continents - including ten orphans in China - to raise money and support for Bring Me Hope. We had an awesome time and wanted you to see part of the fun!!
Here is our walking group: Nicole, Tiffany, Chris, Tim, Grace, Alyssa, Chris, Mikaela, Cameron, Lincoln and (not pictured) Shawn & Kristyn!
-This is specially for my friends in California who have never walked on a Level B road before. We travelled on this one tonight... it's solid dirt!! I may be a bit partial... but I think our location was the coolest. Well, maybe second to walking along a beach in California!
Glowing kids jumping off a pile of old telephone poles!
This picture is especially for our friends Nate, Peter and Sam... we had to teach them about what bridge in Iowa means. Sometimes just boards and little side rails over a small creek. This particular one had a weight limit of 3 tons! I think we made it under that tonage! *smile*


DISCLAIMER: Anyone who chooses to read this post and view the pictures must solemnly promise they will never use them as blackmail on any of the Chmelar girls in the future. This post is to warn those who will be warned about how delicate eyes are and we hope that you read it only with seriousness. (Silent, secret laughs are permitted) Thank you for your consideration!

* * *

This is what happens when an eye gets hit with an open cell phone.
My brother told me this is what I get for trying to kiss a boy. (He was two for crying-out-loud!) *smile*
This is what happens an eye when a little hand reaches in from behind and scratches the eyeball!
This is what happens to eyes when they have been awake for 40 hours... with only a 3 hour nap!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

A Lesson With Chopsticks

Recently Tiff made this amazing stirfry that really meritted the use of chopsticks... so I dug out the set that my translator friend, Sophie, gave me as a gift last year.  It was hilarious watching everyone struggle with the new utensils... I thought you should see what it was like!

(Notice the fork hidden between the chopsticks!)

The Digression in Eating with Chopstickes

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Baby Genius

You won't believe how many countries this two year old can locate on a world map!  
Way too cute!!!

And you can click here to see her doing this when she was even younger!!  They sure start them younger and younger these days!

Monday, May 12, 2008


I was just visiting my friends blog and was so encouaraged by this hilariously uplifting post... I thought you all should be too!
Thanks Bethany!

China News

My friend David, the director of Bring Me Hope, was telling me about this huge earthquake that just happened in China. Pray for all those affected by the disaster. Also pray for the safety of my friends, Anna and Nate, who are living in China working for Bring Me Hope! Thanks!

Monday, May 5, 2008

And the total is...

People gave so generously on Saturday night!! We raised almost $1500!!! So with what was sent in before the concert and what my friend is matching...
This has turned out better than I could had ever imagined. God has answered my prayers with what seemed impossible... and my faith has been built because of it. I am in awe of the goodness of God and how He delights to answer our prayers. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers and to those who gave that night and are reading this, thank you a thousand times! You don't know what an encouragement you are to me! I pray that God will richly bless you in a way bigger than you could imagine! Stay tuned for more of what God is doing!
* * *
"Only fear the Lord and serve him in truth with all your heart: for consider how great things he hath done for you!"
1 Samuel 12:24

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Almost time...

...for the concert fundraiser to start tonight!!!

So I had told you about the event we were having to raise money for my trip to China this summer... and it's tonight!!

God's been doing some crazy, awesome stuff lately! It would take too long to go in detail, but stuff like a friend redirecting all of her graduation gift money to me for my trip... another friend saying they will match dollar-for-dollar everything that is raised tonight... God providing the $500, what I have to give to Bring Me Hope for staying at the camp, by the concert tonight, just like I prayed He would!! The local radio station even called to do an interview about the concert tonight! This has been even better than I imagine. I am overwhelmed and humbled by the generosity of God's people and how He can touch hearts!

It's been an incredible, faith-building last couple weeks... and I know it will only get better! It is so obvious that I am headed the right direction by going to China this summer. Everytime I turn around, God has another confirmation right there! I have been praying that God will provide the entire amount of money needed for my trip -- before I leave! I know that He is so able to do that and I can't wait to see what other doors He will open! There's only $2000 left to go!!!

Please pray that the Holy Spirit will be with us tonight... I don't want to attempt this in my own strength. Pray that people can see the huge need there is to minister to the orphans. Pray that God will touch hearts with the message that we can be the avenue to get Christ's hope to the orphans! Most of all, pray that Jesus Christ is lifted up. I don't want the people to see any of us... just HIM and all that He can accomplish!

Thanks for standing behind me... it's so encouraging! Love ya guys!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Answers - Part 8

Ruth Ann asked:
1. What is your favorite hymn?
I don't know that I really have a fav... I do like Amazing Grace tho'!
2. What is your favorite hymn-writer?
Can't really say for sure on this one... so I'll say all of 'em! *smile*
3. Do you like poetry?
Yes... especially kid books written in rhyme!
4. Do you have a favorite poem?-
I like 'If'.
5. What is your favorite book (besides the Bible, which should be 1st!)-
Passion and Purity.
6. What is your favorite book series?-
I really like the entire Little House series, including the stories of her mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother!
7. What do you like to do to relax?-
Sit and do nothing... *smile* ... I like talking on the phone, reading, watching movies, etc.
8. Do you like scoring good deals?-
9. Are you scared of bees? or are you like, really brave?-
Only if I am being swarmed by an entire hive. Or if one's right in my face. Oh yeah, usually brave when it comes to most stuff.
10. Is it hard being a big sister? (ok, this one is coming from someone who IS a big sister...
Sometimes... but I love it on a normal day!
11. Did you ever wish you had a big sister yourself?-
Not as much as I wished for an older brother!!
12. How old were you when the youngest of your siblings was born?-
Fourteen and a half... to the day!!
13. Do you like staying up late at night?-
Do girls like chocolate?!?! YES! I would way rather stay up late and sleep in. Usually my schedule is more like stay up late, get up early! Arghhh!
14. Is it hard for you to get up in the morning?-
If you didn't gather from the previous answer... yes!
15. What is your favorite fruit?-
16. What missionary 'of old' do you admire? (one stand out?? I know, there are a lot!)
Mary Slessor... Amy Carmichael... Gladys Aylward
17. What is your favorite month of the year?
Hmmm.... I love fall. So I guess October. But I LOVE December too!
18. Do you like driving?
LOVE it!!!
19. Do you help out with grocery shopping for your family?
I used to... then our shopping habits changed.
20. Do you like balancing your checkbook, or does it drive you bonkers, or do you not have one?-
I HATE IT!!! And I won't say anymore. (My family better not comment on this one!)
21. Do you like challenges?
As a general rule... yes!
22. What is the best deal you've gotten?
Depends on what you are talking about... I've gotten brand new skirts for as little as a couple dollars... brand new stuff for my hope chest for really cheap... I've gotten some necklaces from Aeropostle for a couple dollars. I LOVE bargain shopping!!!
23. Where have you found the nicest skirts to wear? (thinking of modest, pricing, quality, etc,..)
I've gotten a lot of nice stuff from Christopher and Banks... but also second hand shopping.

Lydia asked:
1. What kind of vehicle did you take your drivers test in?
A Ford Taurus.
2. Are you an Artist? (drawing/painting)
Unfortunately not.
3. Do you get poison ivy??
Not too bad...
4. How many states have you lived in?
Only two... Illinois and Iowa, but about 11 times in the two states.
5. Would you go sky-diving?
Only by supreme grace from God.
6. Are you camera shy?
7. What makes you laugh?
My family... kids... clean humor...
8. Ever gone canoing?
Yes... many years ago. And I must say it was a rather crabby experience for me. But that's another story for another day. *smile*

There are a couple more questions coming from a friend... but they are questions that require essays... so watch for them later! Thanks again, guys, this was a blast!!! Let me know if any of you decide to do one on your blog!! Good times!

Answers - Part 7

Bridgette asked:
1. What is the first thing you will teach your children?
The first concept that I want them to understand and see me demonstrate is that their daddy and I love them very much and so does God. It is out of a love for God and our relationship with Him that obedience and service flows from. And little children's first impression of God is like is what they see in their parents.
2. What is the first thing you will tell your child not to do?
Probably not to touch something!
3. Why don't you like bananas?
Because they kinda stink and I don't like the texture!
4. Do you like asparagus?
Definately not on my favorite list!
5. What is your favorite color? (one color please)
6. Do you like gardening?
That's not really on my favorite list either!

Michaela asked

1.-3. Are you ready for all of 'em? Are you shore? Absolutely posetutly shore

Yes, yes, and yes.=D4. How many pairs of shoes do you have? Not for sure, but probably about 15-20. That includes flip-flops!

5. What color is our house?Or can you not remember the color of you're own house

Brown... white.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

And The Winner IS....

Olivia Coy!!!!
Congratulations Olivia! The random number was 82... and that's you!! I am really excited!
Thanks again to everyone who participated... you all made this contest so much fun!
* * *
Olivia... your prize from See Jane Work is the following:
Shoot me an email with what colors you want each of these to be and also your address!!
Thanks again... and stayed tuned... because this was so much fun, I may be inclined to do another contest soon!

The Mechanics...

Good morning girls! I am really excited to find our winner!! Here's how it will work...
This is the list of girls who have asked questions during my contest. I will be using the Integer Generator from to draw the winner. Your entries will be processed: as an example, say that Mikaela ask 5 questions, Louise asked 3, and Morgan asked 3 also. The entries would look like this:
Mikaela 1-5
Louise 6-8
Morgan 9-11
Then when I enter the numbers on the Integer Generator... and the number 3 would come out, Mikaela would be the winner! I hope this makes sense...
So here's the order of the number of everyone who entered the contest, in no special order:
Mikaela - 1-13
Tori - 14-30
Lydia - 31- 45
Allison - 46- 51
Alyssa - 51
Olivia - 52-88
Louise - 89
Morgan - 90-104
Sam - 105
Chelsey - 106-119
Ann - 120-142
Bridgette - 143-148
Kim - 149-151
Which came to a grand total of 151 questions asked! I am going to go enter the numbers into the Integer Generator and come back and post our winner!!! Good times!!

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